Digitally Transforming Urban Landscapes: The Future is Smart with ixicities.

Pioneering the smart city evolution, ixicities blends technology and infrastructure to redefine urban living. Join us as we sculpt tomorrow's cities, today.


Solutions at a Glance

Smart Garbage

Revolutionizing waste management for cleaner, greener cities.

Smart Schools

Digitalized education for the leaders of tomorrow.

Smart Parking

Bid goodbye to parking woes with real-time spot tracking.

Smart Tax & Permit

Streamlined processes for an efficient bureaucratic experience.

Smart Mobility

Seamless transportation solutions for on-the-go citizens.

Smart Traffic

AI-driven insights to ensure congestion-free commutes.

Smart Policing

Safety first! Advanced crime prediction and prevention.

Smart Healthcare

Quality health services, digitally accessible to all.


Changing the World with ixicities

At ixicities, we don’t just provide solutions; we craft urban experiences. Each of our offerings is intricately designed to not only address immediate needs but to elevate the overall quality of life. From ensuring quicker commutes with Smart Traffic to fostering a culture of continuous learning with Smart Schools, we're reimagining every corner of urban existence. With us, cities aren't just smart; they're insightful, intuitive, and inclusive.

About Us

Benefits of Partnering with ixicities


Access to cutting-edge technology and solutions.

Revenue Sharing

Mutual growth through public-private partnerships.


Solutions ensuring environmental and economic sustainability.

World-class Expertise

With over 200 professionals, we bring global best practices to your city.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that every city is unique. Our solutions respect that individuality.


Solutions designed for today, with the flexibility for tomorrow's growth.

End-to-end Services

From ideation to execution, we've got it all covered.


Clear communication, ensuring all stakeholders are always in the loop.

Your City's Future, Amplified.

Harness the power of technology with Ixicities, leading the way in smart city innovations from Singapore to the world.

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Our Approach


Needs First

We kickstart with a thorough needs assessment, ensuring tailored solutions.


Investment Centric

Beyond service, we invest in infrastructure, setting the path for long-term growth.


Collaborative Development

We believe in co-creating solutions with city officials for optimal results.


Advanced Tech Integration

Leveraging blockchain, IoT, AI, and more to bring cities to the digital forefront.


User-Centric Design

Our solutions are crafted with citizens at the heart, ensuring ease of use.


Global Best Practices

Drawing from global experiences to bring only the best to your city.


Sustainability Focus

Every project is approached with environmental and social sustainability in mind.


Continuous Support

Our relationship doesn't end post-deployment. We're here for continuous support and upgrades.

Empowering Tomorrow, Today.

With Ixicities, experience a smarter urban future built on groundbreaking approaches and unparalleled expertise.

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