Our Technologies


A transformative technology that offers unparalleled transparency, security, and efficiency. Blockchain's decentralized nature ensures that records are immutable, establishing trust in public services and transactions.


Harnessing the vast capabilities of the cloud, we deliver scalable, resilient, and flexible infrastructure solutions. This allows smart cities to adapt dynamically, catering to the ever-evolving needs of their citizens while ensuring data security and accessibility.

IoT & Smart Sensors

These are the eyes and ears of our smart city platforms. By embedding IoT devices and smart sensors across urban landscapes, we gather real-time data. This facilitates a myriad of services, from traffic management to energy consumption optimization, ensuring a seamless urban experience.


Our aerial solutions, powered by advanced drones, redefine surveillance, data collection, and urban planning. From monitoring traffic patterns to assessing infrastructural health, drones offer an eagle-eye perspective of the city's pulse.

Artificial Intelligence

The crux of our predictive analytics and automation solutions, AI enables smart cities to anticipate needs, streamline services, and offer enhanced user experiences. Be it through chatbots in public service portals or predictive maintenance of infrastructure, AI is the future's cornerstone.

Analytics of Video, Sound, and Data

Data drives decisions. By analyzing videos, sounds, and diverse data sets, we extract actionable insights that guide city management in policy-making, service optimization, and resource allocation.


Automating routine tasks, our robotic solutions not only enhance efficiency but also ensure precision. From maintenance tasks to service delivery, robots are reshaping urban operations.

Open-source Technologies

Leveraging the collaborative power of open-source, we ensure that our solutions are ever-evolving, adaptable, and transparent. This democratization of technology fosters innovation and ensures that the best minds contribute to our smart city vision.